Thursday, December 6, 2007

He's Out, He's In, now we can't keep up!

On December 5, 2007, Chairman Patrick J. Binning sent out an email officially announcing the remvoal of Brett Kotecki from his position of Treasurer.

"This is an announcement to officially inform the chapters across the state that Brett Kotecki is no longer our Treasurer due to unfortunate recent events. Last night, With a 9-0-1 vote, Mr. Kotecki was removed and Meagan Szydlowski from Northern Illinois University will be taking over as our new Treasurer...

I ask that all of us deal with this in a mature manner and put ourselves aside. Our number one priority should be the thought of what is best for the organization as a whole. Sometimes, being in leadership means sacrifice. Being future Republican leaders, what we practice now, will be the foundation of what we practice in the future, so let's do it right from the beginning."
So, Brett Kotecki was removed and replaced with NIU Chair Meagan Szydlowski. Is this more of the same? A few years, several downstate chapters left the ICRF as they thought too much power was being given to Chicago-area schools, specifically Northern Illinois University. This gives the NIU delegation the potential to have 7 votes at the convention, 3 votes at any board meeting, and 2 votes at any executive board meeting. Other chapters have a max of 6 votes at the convention, maximum of 2 votes at any state board meeting if an officer is also from that university, and only one vote on the state board. Something's not right about this picture. What is preventing them from removing the entire officer team and replacing them with NIU College Republicans. I wouldn't be surprised if many more than downstate schools withdraw from the ICRF because of it... It get's weirder...

In an email sent by Secretary Ben Miller and posted on Facebook:
Chairman Binning, Executive Director Rose, It is my opinion that you are lying to the entire ICRF. Here is my response to your lies. Please do not act as if I agreed to, or had any part in your witch hunt. And don't you ever put words into my mouth, or confirm that i received anything. Is it hard for you to just tell the truth? Obviously our good chairman didn't write that memorandum, because there aren't any spelling errors. I will alert the media if I find it necessary. And, I will sue you if you slander me as much as you have slandered Brett Kotecki.

Based on the Authority given to me by the ICRF Constitution, I declare the actions of the State Board, Executive Director Jeremy Rose and Chairman Patrick Binning illegal, and therefore null and void, because of numerous violations of the ICRF Constitution.

Brett Kotecki retains his position as Treasurer.

So, now he retains his position of Treasurer? Very Confused! And what's this about slander? Surely not by Jeremy Rose or Patrick J. Binning, surely not.

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