Thursday, December 6, 2007

Drinking For Jesus? What?

"It’s that time of year again folks. Yup, drinking on account of little baby Jesus. So, in honor of our little guy….let’s get wasted!!!…So come one, come all! Lets do this one for Jesus!…No Jewish people were harmed during the making of this message"

Was the description on a facebook group event titled, "Drinking For Jesus" as reported by

These allegations were confirmed by CR Nation by simply looking up the facebook event."

Mr Binning, in an email, stated –

I understand that there was some concern about the “Drinking for Jesus” party, a non ICRF-event that was associated with my Executive Director, I apologize for this on Jeremy’s behalf for offending anyone who may have been inadvertently offended. That being said, it is important that we come together as one team and put aside our differences, so that we can accomplish our goals over the next 12 months.

Right, Mr. Binnin. Let's come together. Lo, and behold, he have other plans. And accomplish our goals over the next 12 months? He plan on making this a dictatorship? He has already showed his do-nothing attitude since taking office in April, what makes him think he is worthy of another term? You said it, Jeremy Rose is YOUR executive director, we need someone who will be OUR executive Director. Does it matter it the event is non-icrf related? He's a leader within this movement, the public eye, donors, and potential donors see no seperation between what Jeremy Rose does when he has his ED hat on and when he doesn't.

Contacting Mr. Rose himself, CR Nation obtained this comment –

Recently is has come to some people’s attention that I signed on to be a host of a Christmas party with the title “drinking for Jesus.” I’d like to apologize if this has offended anyone. It was caviler and irresponsible of me.

I apologize for the distraction this has cause the Illinois College Republican Federation. We have serious issues to attend to and I suspect this came to light due to another individual’s personal grudge. That however doesn’t excuse my behavior. What we at the ICRF have to do is important work and we can all go without distractions like this.

I hope this will just be a bump in the road on the way to the ICRF achieving its goals this year and I look forward to continuing assisting the ICRF in its endeavors.

Yes, sir, it was very irresponsible of you. And do you even know the definition of "caviler"? "someone who raises annoying, petty objections" ring a bell? Okay, so maybe you do know the definition. You're right, this doesn't excuse your behavior, maybe you should resign. We do have important work to do and can't handle any more of your distractions. By the way, I hardly believe you merely signed on to be a host especially considering you were the CREATOR of this event and it listed your email and phone number as the contact for this event. Let's fully disclose the facts, shall we.

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